Valokuva Charlotta Hilli Profile picture Charlotta Hilli, Vaasa, 2024. Photo by Ida Rebers.

Charlotta Hilli

Title of docent in pedagogy with a specific interest in Didaktik (Associate professor), PhD (Education), Master of arts (history teacher)


Julkaisut ja projektit vuosittain

Henkilökohtainen profiili


Charlotta Hilli leads the study programme in Higher Education Pedagogy and works as a university lecturer in pedagogy (Åbo Akademi University). Hilli supervises master's and doctoral students in education. Her teaching principles are entangled with Didaktik and postqualitative theories to provide students with structure, meaningful studies, and relations that encourage personal growth and exploring new knowledge in onsite and digital spaces.

Hilli's research connects to Didaktik (i.e., teaching, studying and learning) in digital learning environments. She has been involved in developing distance and hybrid teaching practices in higher education, adult, secondary and primary education. She is inspired by Bildung-oriented theories (non-affirmative theory of education, Berliner-didaktik) that identify multi-level relationships for education. Hilli approaches learning spaces with posthuman theories identifying entanglements of human, other-than-human and materialities in education.

Hilli is involved in networks (NordicEdAI, 2024-2027) and projects studying generative artificial intelligence in education (COWRITE, 2025-2027). She leads the Finnish-Swedish postqualitative research network in education, poeda.

Koulutus / tieteellinen pätevyys

Tohtori, Title of docent in pedagogy with a specific interest in Didaktik, Åbo Akademi

Myöntöpäivä: 4 helmik. 2022

Tohtori, Doctor of Philosophy (Education), Åbo Akademi

Myöntöpäivä: 11 lokak. 2016

Maisteri, Master of Arts (qualified history and social studies teacher), Åbo Akademi

Myöntöpäivä: 8 marrask. 2006


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  • 1 Samanlaiset profiilit

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