Heidi Höglund

Doctor of Education, Title of Docent in Literary Education


Julkaisut ja projektit vuosittain

Henkilökohtainen profiili


Heidi Höglund, Ed.D., is Senior University Lecturer in Swedish (L1) and Literature Education. She holds a Title of Docent in Literary Education, international equivalent of Associate Professor. Her research work has largely focused on literature education, with a particular interest in arts-based literature teaching, poetry pedagogy, curricular frameworks, and performative engagements with picturebooks in secondary literary education. Recently, her research work has increasingly focues on post-theoretical and post-qualitative inquiry within the field of literature education. She is currently conducting research within the research projects Poetry! Performative Perspectives on Poetry Education (2020–2024) and Complex Picturebooks in Secondary Literary Education (2020–2025), acting as Principal Investigator for both projects. She is a member of the organizing team for Nordic Research Network on Literature Education and coordinator for the international Special Interest Group Research on Literature Education.

Koulutus / tieteellinen pätevyys

Title of Docent in Literary Education, Åbo Akademi

Myöntöpäivä: 27 maalisk. 2023

Tohtori, Doctor of Education, Åbo Akademi

Myöntöpäivä: 14 marrask. 2017


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