Projekt per år
Personlig profil
Prof. Johan Lilius is full professor of Embedded Systems at Åbo Akademi since 2001. He is an experienced academic researcher, educator and leader. He was co-PI of the research group "Formal Methods in Programming" that was awarded the status of Centre of Excellency by the Academy of Finland. He has won the Ten-Year Most Influential Paper Award at the ACM/IEEE Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems, and a number of Best Paper awards. In 2015 he won the Gadd Prize for Research Excellence at Åbo Akademi. He has experience in leading large academic organisations. He has been director of TUCS, Turku Center for Computer Science, and Head of the Department of IT under several periods. Under his leadership he has planned and implemented the restructuring of the department and its education as part of two major reorganizations of the University. He is a member of the steering group of the Digivisio2030 project, a large national project involving all HEIs in Finland, that is creating a new ecosystem for education in Finland. He is the founder and co-PI of the MAST Institute, a joint research institute of Åbo Akademi and Novia Maritime Academy developing tools and techniques for safe autonomous navigation of vessels. He is experienced in leading PhD reserach, he has been head of the TUCS graduate programme, he has completed the supervision of 11 doctoral students, and is curretly supervising 4 students. He has co-organised and co-chaired several workshops, summer schools and conferences. He has published over 170 research papers. His research interests include Energy-efficient Software, Safety of autonomous vessels, and Embedded Deep Neural Computing.
Autonomous Navigation algorithms, Embedded Deep Neural Computing, Energy-efficient Software.
Expertis relaterad till FN:s globala mål för hållbar utveckling (SDG:er)
2015 godkände FN:s medlemsstater 17 globala mål för en hållbar utveckling (SDG:er), för att utrota fattigdomen, skydda planeten och garantera framgång för alla. Denna personens arbete bidrar till följande SDG(:er):
Externa befattningar
Visiting Professor, Institut National des Sciences Appliquées de Rennes
okt. 2016
Director, Åbo datatekniska forsknings- och utbildningscentrum
jan. 2011 → dec. 2014
Northeast Normal University
2009 → …
- QA76 Computer software
- 1 Liknande profiler
EDISS: EMJMD Programme on the Engineering of Data-intensive Intelligent Software Systems
Lafond, S. (Ansvarig forskare), Azimi Rashti, S. (Ansvarig forskare), Lilius, J. (CoPI), Strömborg, M. (Koordinator) & Iancu, B. (CoI)
Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency - European Commission
01/09/20 → 31/08/26
Projekt: EU
IoT-Reboot: IoT Reboot Factory
Lilius, J. (Ansvarig forskare), Hellström, M. (CoI) & Sundholm, V. (CoI)
Projekt: Företag/Business Finland
DECATRIP: Decarbonizing Transport Corridors
Tsvetkova, A. (Ansvarig forskare), Hellström, M. (CoI), Lilius, J. (CoI), Gustafsson, M. (CoI), Lafond, S. (CoPI), Truscan, D. (CoI), Porres Paltor, I. (CoI), Iancu, B. (CoI), Schwartz, H. (CoI) & Chen Zhou, Y. (CoI)
01/04/22 → 31/12/23
Projekt: Företag/Business Finland
SMARTER: Sea4Value Smart Terminals
Hellström, M. (Ansvarig forskare), Lilius, J. (CoPI), Tsvetkova, A. (CoI), Långstedt, J. (CoI), Chen Zhou, Y. (CoI) & Iancu, B. (CoI)
18/02/21 → 28/02/23
Projekt: Företag/Business Finland
AutoMare EduNet: Autonomisen merenkulun koulutusverkosto
Hellström, M. (Ansvarig forskare), Tsvetkova, A. (CoI), Lilius, J. (CoI) & Ringbom, H. (CoI)
01/12/20 → 30/06/23
Projekt: Ministerier / Statliga myndigheter och verk
Challenges of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Software in Autonomous Vessels
Ashraf, A., Lilius, J., Porres Paltor, I., Walden, M. & Petre, L., 2021, s. –.Forskningsoutput: Konferensbidrag › Sammanfattning › Vetenskaplig
Öppen tillgångFil95 Nedladdningar (Pure) -
An efficient model for quantifying the interaction between structural properties of software and hardware in the ARM big.LITTLE architecture
Stepanovic, S., Georgakarakos, G., Holmbacka, S. & Lilius, J., 2019, I: Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience. s. –Forskningsoutput: Tidskriftsbidrag › Artikel › Vetenskaplig › Peer review
Öppen tillgångFil3 Citeringar (Scopus)103 Nedladdningar (Pure) -
Inactivity Benchmarking
Lund, W. & Lilius, J., 2018, 2018 International Conference on High Performance Computing & Simulation (HPCS). Smari Khalid Zine-Dine, W. W. (red.). IEEE, s. 1028–1033Forskningsoutput: Kapitel i bok/konferenshandling › Konferensbidrag › Vetenskaplig › Peer review
Detecting data-parallel synchronous dataflow graphs
Kanur Chandra Shekar, S., Lilius, J. & Ersfolk, J., 2017, Design and Architectures for Signal and Image Processing (DASIP), 2017 Conference on. IEEE, s. 67–72Forskningsoutput: Kapitel i bok/konferenshandling › Konferensbidrag › Vetenskaplig › Peer review
Energy-Awareness and Performance Management with Parallel Dataflow Applications
Holmbacka, S., Nogues, E., Pelcat, M., Lafond, S., Menard, D. & Lilius, J., 2017, I: Journal of Signal Processing Systems. 87, 1, s. 33–48Forskningsoutput: Tidskriftsbidrag › Artikel › Vetenskaplig › Peer review
4 Citeringar (Scopus)
Jesper, W. (Skapad av), Bogdan, I. (Skapad av), Valentin, S. (Skapad av) & Johan, L. (Skapad av), Zenodo, 8 jan. 2024
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10469672, https://zenodo.org10469672
Sound ontology for the paper “An approach for structuring sound sample libraries using ontology”
Cherny, E. (Skapad av), Lilius, J. (Skapad av), Brusila, J. (Skapad av), Mouromtsev, D. (Skapad av) & Rogozinsky, G. (Skapad av), Zenodo, 1 juli 2016
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.56833,
Jesper, W. (Skapad av), Bogdan, I. (Skapad av), Valentin, S. (Skapad av) & Johan, L. (Skapad av), Zenodo, 8 jan. 2024
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.8383205,
Iancu, B. (Skapad av), Soloviev, V. (Skapad av), Zelioli, L. (Skapad av) & Lilius, J. (Skapad av), Zenodo, 4 maj 2021
Intervju om nytt utbildningspaket med fokus på batteriindustrin på
1 Mediabidrag