

A multidisciplinary collaboration between Universities to ensure high level education in the era of autonomous shipping.

Increasing level of automation and digitalization has an impact on the whole society reflecting on the needed skills of work force as well as education including the Finnish maritime cluster. Fast pace of changes and technological development in the field raises the need for constant skill and knowledge base update. Hence, requiring also agility from the education system to adapt and provide education accordingly.

To ensure, that the skill base of Finnish maritime cluster is constantly up to date AutoMare EduNet has been created. It is a multidisciplinary collaboration between Universities to meet the educational needs of autonomous shipping emerging from the Finnish Maritime cluster. For the competitive advantage of Finnish maritime cluster high level of horizontal, multidisciplinary education and expertise is needed rather than focusing on vertical specialization. This can be achieved through collaboration and increased level of information exchange between the experts in various fields.
Even though the autonomous ships are not sailing today, the work for establishing needed knowledge and expertise base should start now.
Kort titelAutoMare EduNet
AkronymAutoMare EduNet
Gällande start-/slutdatum01/12/2030/06/23