Johan Lilius


1997 …2024

Julkaisut ja projektit vuosittain

Henkilökohtainen profiili


Prof. Johan Lilius is full professor of Embedded Systems at Åbo Akademi since 2001.  He is an experienced academic researcher, educator and leader. He was co-PI of the research group "Formal Methods in Programming" that was awarded the status of Centre of Excellency by the Academy of Finland.  He has won the Ten-Year Most Influential Paper Award at the ACM/IEEE Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems, and a number of Best Paper awards.  In 2015 he won the Gadd Prize for Research Excellence at Åbo Akademi. He has experience in leading large academic organisations. He has been director of TUCS, Turku Center for Computer Science, and Head of the Department of IT under several periods. Under his leadership he has planned and implemented the restructuring of the department and its education as part of two major reorganizations of the University. He is a member of the steering group of the Digivisio2030 project, a large national project involving all HEIs in Finland, that is creating a new ecosystem for education in Finland. He is the founder and co-PI of  the MAST Institute, a joint research institute of Åbo Akademi and Novia Maritime Academy developing tools and techniques for safe autonomous navigation of vessels. He is experienced in leading PhD reserach, he has been head of the TUCS graduate programme,  he has completed the supervision of 11 doctoral students, and is curretly supervising 4 students. He has co-organised and co-chaired several workshops, summer schools and conferences.  He has published over 170 research papers. His research interests include Energy-efficient Software, Safety of autonomous vessels, and Embedded Deep Neural Computing.

Tutkimuksen mielenkiinnon kohteet

Autonomous Navigation algorithms, Embedded Deep Neural Computing, Energy-efficient Software.

Asiantuntemus YK:n kestävän kehityksen tavoitteista

Vuonna 2015 YK:n jäsenvaltiot sopivat 17 maailmanlaajuisesta kestävän kehityksen tavoitteesta köyhyyden poistamiseksi, planeetan suojelemiseksi ja vaurauden takaamiseksi kaikille. Tämän henkilön työ edistää seuraavia kestävän kehityksen tavoitteita:

  • SDG 3 – Hyvä terveys ja hyvinvointi
  • SDG 7 – Edullinen ja puhdas energia
  • SDG 9 – Teollisuus, innovaatiot ja infrastruktuuri
  • SDG 11 – Kestävät kaupungit ja yhteisöt

Asemat yliopiston ulkopuolella

Visiting Professor, Institut National des Sciences Appliquées de Rennes

lokak. 2016

Director, Turun tietotekniikan tutkimus- ja koulutuskeskus

tammik. 2011jouluk. 2014

Northeast Normal University

2009 → …


  • QA76 Computer software


Sukella tutkimusaiheisiin, joissa Johan Lilius on aktiivinen. Käsitteet on luotu henkilön julkaisuja ja asiasanoja louhimalla. Yhdessä ne muodostavat ainutlaatuisen sormenjäljen.
  • 1 Samanlaiset profiilit