Comprehensive characterization of the embryonic factor LEUTX

Lisa Gawriyski, Eeva-Mari Jouhilahti, Masahito Yoshihara, Liangru Fei, Jere Weltner, Tomi T Airenne, Ras Trokovic, Shruti Bhagat, Mari H Tervaniemi, Yasuhiro Murakawa, Kari Salokas, Xiaonan Liu, Sini Miettinen, Thomas R Bürglin, Biswajyoti Sahu, Timo Otonkoski, Mark S Johnson, Shintaro Katayama, Markku Varjosalo, Juha Kere

Forskningsoutput: TidskriftsbidragArtikelVetenskapligPeer review

8 Citeringar (Scopus)
21 Nedladdningar (Pure)


The paired-like homeobox transcription factor LEUTX is expressed in human preimplantation embryos between the 4- and 8-cell stages, and then silenced in somatic tissues. To characterize the function of LEUTX, we performed a multiomic characterization of LEUTX using two proteomics methods and three genome-wide sequencing approaches. Our results show that LEUTX stably interacts with the EP300 and CBP histone acetyltransferases through its 9 amino acid transactivation domain (9aaTAD), as mutation of this domain abolishes the interactions. LEUTX targets genomic cis-regulatory sequences that overlap with repetitive elements, and through these elements it is suggested to regulate the expression of its downstream genes. We find LEUTX to be a transcriptional activator, upregulating several genes linked to preimplantation development as well as 8-cell-like markers, such as DPPA3 and ZNF280A. Our results support a role for LEUTX in preimplantation development as an enhancer binding protein and as a potent transcriptional activator.
Antal sidor29
StatusPublicerad - 17 mars 2023
MoE-publikationstypA1 Tidskriftsartikel-refererad


  • Molecular biology
  • Reproductive medicine
  • Omics


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