Nordic Preschool Student Teachers’ Views on Early Writing in Preschool

Maria Magnusson, Hilde Hofslundsengen, Sofia Jusslin*, Elisabeth Mellgren, Ann-Katrin Svensson, Ria Heilä-Ylikallio, Bente E. Hagtvet

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This study investigates preschool student teachers’ views on how early writing should be supported in preschool. The sample consists of 66 preschool student teachers from Finland, Norway, and Sweden, who participated in the study by responding to open-ended questions on a written questionnaire. Results show that the respondents’ answers were underpinned by holistic views on children’s learning; they value children’s own initiative as a decisive learning factor. Further, the responses underscore the importance of a writing-inviting environment and the preschool teachers acting as role models. The respondents rarely offered explicit theoretical reasons and arguments for why they would encourage early writing. Based on the findings, it appears critical to discuss within the profession the issue why early writing should be encouraged.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)714–729
Number of pages16
JournalInternational Journal of Early Years Education
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - 2022
MoE publication typeA1 Journal article-refereed


  • early writing
  • preschool student teacher
  • professional competence
  • early literacy
  • support


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