Development of a Conceptual Model of Lancaster and Kurt Rail Higher Education Branding (An Approach Based on Deductive Qualitative Content Analysis)

Ali Keshavarz-zadeh, Khalil Gholami, Nematollah Azizi

Research output: Contribution to journalArticleScientificpeer-review


The aim of this research was to develop a conceptual model of Lancaster and Kurt Rail Higher Education Branding. The research approach was based on deductive qualitative content analysis. The research population included experts at Sharif University of Technology. Using purposive sampling method, 32 people were selected as the research sample. The data collection tool was a semi-structured interview. Data coding technique was used to analyze the data. The Lancaster and Kurt Rail branding models have three concepts of identity, purpose and response, each of which includes three main categories or core, real and added value. The concept of identity includes a set of signs, symbols and branding slogans. The concept of purpose includes the products, services and products, requirements and marketing of the university. The concept of response means interpreting the market performance of university brand products and services in the market. Based on the research findings, the developed branding model of the university had two stages of brand equity creation planning and brand equity measurement. The concepts of identity and purpose were intended for the planning process. Planning included all the strategies used in the preparation and implementation of the branding planning process of Sharif University of Technology. The planning stage included the variables of naming, location, logo, main and supporting missions, staff, professors, products and services, students, marketing and graduates. In the following sections of this paper, the main and pivotal strategies of the mentioned variables are presented. The concept of response is intended to measure the performance of the university brand. Measuring the specific value of the university brand is a set of measures that provide the final value of the university brand in internal and external dimensions by providing special dimensions and variables. The stage of measuring the brand equity of the university included the basic variables of measuring the brand equity of external and internal dimensions. Scientific credibility, reputation, students' feelings and loyalty were considered external infrastructure strategies while empowerment and efficiency, graduates, student services, infrastructure and financial dimensions were considered internal infrastructure strategies. Finally, the number of extract points to measure the university's brand equity were presented.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)271-295
Number of pages25
JournalKarafan Quarterly Scientific Journal
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 2021
MoE publication typeA1 Journal article-refereed


  • Development
  • Conceptual modeling
  • Branding
  • Higher education
  • Lancaster and Kurt Rail
  • Approach
  • Deductive qualitative content analysis


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