On the threshold of future learning: Student teachersʼ experiences of virtual educational simulation

Anna Slotte*, Kirsi Wallinheimo, Uno Fors, Susanne Hägglund, Staffan Selander

*Korresponderande författare för detta arbete

Forskningsoutput: TidskriftsbidragArtikelVetenskapligPeer review

1 Citeringar (Scopus)
55 Nedladdningar (Pure)


This article presents an example of how teacher education could be supported by way of a digital simulation program that provides practical competence in dealing with challenging teaching situations. Virtual simulations are still relatively uncommon in teacher education. A major benefit is that they allow for individualised feedback, which is generally considered an important component of learning. The aim of the study was to deepen understanding of how student teachers experience, and think about, the use of Virtual Educational Simulation (VES). The simulation in question was developed for teacher education during 2018–2019. For the empirical study, six Master’s-level student teachers were interviewed after running a simulated case where they encounter two virtual pupils having challenges with subject literacy.We used inductive qualitative content analysis in addressing the two research questions: Howdid the students experience specific topics of the VES design and the procedure, namely navigation, content, introductory elements, interaction, experience of the VES case as a real-life situation, assessment, feedback and student collaboration? What themes did the students topicalise in relation to their learning? The results indicate a positive attitude to VES in teacher training, although the students noted some limitations within the design of the program.Many of their comments about the design relate to their own development and learning as student teachers. Three themes emerged in their topicalisation of learning: the importance of relating to pupils’ experiences and earlier knowledge, the need to pay attention to the individual student, and the key role of interaction with the teacher. Our findings confirm the importance of reflection and interaction in simulation programs with virtual cases.

Sidor (från-till)85-99
TidskriftNordic Journal of Digital Literacy
StatusPublicerad - 13 juni 2023
MoE-publikationstypA1 Tidskriftsartikel-refererad


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