Space, bodies, and stuff aspartners in thinking and writing

  • Eeva Anttila (Puhuja)
  • Jusslin, S. (Puhuja)
  • Riina Hannuksela (Tekijä)
  • Kaisa Korpinen (Puhuja)

Aktiviteetti: Puhe tai esitysKonferenssiesitelmä


This presentation illuminates approaches to research that aim at decentering verballanguage, developed by a multidisciplinary research team within the ELLA researchproject. ELLA stands for Embodied Language Learning through the Arts and is fundedby the Kone foundation (see
). Theproject focuses on broadening the conceptions of language and learning, and in sodoing, renewing pedagogical practices related to language learning in variouseducational settings. Simultaneously, the conception of language in doing researchis being critically investigated. In this, the project traverses methodologicallybetween qualitative and post-qualitative orientations, also in combination with arts-based and artistic research. As the project will embark on its fourth and final year inJanuary 2024 the team is anxious to share some research practices that demonstratehow they have approached the challenge of decentering verbal language throughembodied practices that involve attending to the materiality of space and objects, or‘stuff’ within it.

The presentation will be largely based on images, narration, poetic, andperformative utterances. It will also outline some theoretical sources for this work(e.g., Pennycook, 2016; Toohey, 2019), and credit previous work by scholars that hasbeen influential for the ELLA team (Guttorm, Löytönen, Anttila & Valkeemäki 2016;Hohti, 2016; Pelias 2019).
Aikajakso12 tammik. 2024
Tapahtuman otsikkoEuropean Congress of Qualitative Inquiry: Participation, collaboration and co-creation: Qualitative inquiry across and beyond divides
Tapahtuman tyyppiKonferenssi
SijaintiHelsinki, FinlandNäytä kartalla
Tunnustuksen arvoKansainvälinen