Activities per year
- 1 - 50 out of 56 results
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Niklas Antonsson: För samhällets bestånd och Guds rikes förkovran. Prästerskapets undervisning kring hushåll, barn och äktenskap i svenska postillor 1686-1770.
Dahlbacka, I. (Principal supervisor ), Groop, K. (Second supervisor) & Dahlbacka, J. (Second supervisor)
8 Mar 2024Activity: Supervision, mentoring and other activities › Supervision of postgraduate students
Niklas Antonsson: För samhällets bestånd och Guds rikes förkovran. Prästerskapets undervisning kring hushåll, barn och äktenskap i svenska postillor 1686–1770
Groop, K. (Second supervisor)
2024Activity: Supervision, mentoring and other activities › Supervision of postgraduate students
Edgar Mirjamsdotter, etnologi
Henriksson, B. (Supervisor of doctoral candidate)
2024 → …Activity: Supervision, mentoring and other activities › Supervision of postgraduate students
Jasmine Aavaranta Hansén, folkloristik
Henriksson, B. (Supervisor of doctoral candidate)
2024 → …Activity: Supervision, mentoring and other activities › Supervision of postgraduate students
Philip Strammer: Togetherness as a Moral Notion
Strandberg, H. (Supervisor of doctoral candidate)
13 Sept 2023Activity: Supervision, mentoring and other activities › Supervision of postgraduate students
Supervision of MA Thesis in Social Exclusion
Moberg, M. (Supervisor of master student) & Naik, K. (Second supervisor)
Aug 2023 → Jun 2024Activity: Supervision, mentoring and other activities › Supervision of postgraduate students
Supervision of MA Thesis in Social Exclusion
Moberg, M. (Supervisor of master student) & Naik, K. (Second supervisor)
Aug 2023 → Jun 2024Activity: Supervision, mentoring and other activities › Supervision of postgraduate students
Lyra Ekström Lindbäck: Iris Murdoch and the Ancient Quarrel: Why Literature is Not Philosophy
Strandberg, H. (Supervisor of doctoral candidate)
31 Mar 2023Activity: Supervision, mentoring and other activities › Supervision of postgraduate students
Doktorandhandledning, disputation
Larjavaara, M. (Participant)
2023Activity: Supervision, mentoring and other activities › Supervision of postgraduate students
Santtu Anckar, folkloristik
Henriksson, B. (Supervisor of doctoral candidate)
2023 → …Activity: Supervision, mentoring and other activities › Supervision of postgraduate students
Biträdande handledare
Nahnfeldt, C. (Participant)
1 Sept 2022 → 31 Jan 2027Activity: Supervision, mentoring and other activities › Supervision of postgraduate students
Handledare för Sofia Nordbergs pro gradu avhandling: Barnlitteraturens krigsbarn. En traumateoretisk studie av Nalleresan, Ekorrögon och Systern från havet
Lassén-Seger, M. (Supervisor of master student)
2022 → 12 Jun 2024Activity: Supervision, mentoring and other activities › Supervision of postgraduate students
Menstruationscykeln och kvinnors trosliv - forskningsplan av Sara Högberg
Hellsten, L. (Mentor)
2022 → …Activity: Supervision, mentoring and other activities › Supervision of postgraduate students
Supervisor of doctoral researcher Karla Schröter
Slotte Russo, P. (Supervisor of doctoral candidate)
2022 → …Activity: Supervision, mentoring and other activities › Supervision of postgraduate students
Assistant supervisor for doctoral student Margaretha Ullström, who defended her doctoral thesis Folkhemsideologi i svensk ungdomslitteratur: En 1900-talsstudie vid ÅA at Comparative Literature, Åbo Akademi University, 19th May 2022. 978-952-389-016-9
Lassén-Seger, M. (Supervisor of doctoral candidate)
2022Activity: Supervision, mentoring and other activities › Supervision of postgraduate students
Handledare för Linnéa Holmbergs pro gradu avhandling: Finländsk litteraturkritik möter feministisk fantasy: Mottagandet av Maria Turtschaninoffs Krönikor från Röda klostret-trilogi
Lassén-Seger, M. (Supervisor of master student)
2022 → 14 Mar 2024Activity: Supervision, mentoring and other activities › Supervision of postgraduate students
Hellsten, L. (Supervisor of doctoral candidate), Ahlvik-Harju, C. (Supervisor of doctoral candidate), Vikström, B. (Supervisor of doctoral candidate) & Brännkärr-Väänänen, L. (Participant)
2022 → …Activity: Supervision, mentoring and other activities › Supervision of postgraduate students
Erik J. Andersson: Axel B. Svensson - missionsledare och redaktör med internationellt engagemang
Dahlbacka, I. (Principal supervisor ) & Lindmark, D. (Second supervisor)
3 Dec 2021Activity: Supervision, mentoring and other activities › Supervision of postgraduate students
Martti Arkkila: African Church or Western Mission? The Evangelical Lutheran Church in Kenya Seeks Her Identity 1968-1996
Dahlbacka, I. (Principal supervisor ) & Groop, K. (Second supervisor)
24 Nov 2021Activity: Supervision, mentoring and other activities › Supervision of postgraduate students
Supervisor of doctoral researcher Sagy Watemberg Izraeli
Slotte Russo, P. (Supervisor of doctoral candidate)
2021 → …Activity: Supervision, mentoring and other activities › Supervision of postgraduate students
Biträdande handledare för doktorand Lise-Lotte Hellöre
Sundkvist, B. (Supervisor of doctoral candidate) & Vikström, B. (Supervisor of doctoral candidate)
2021 → 2024Activity: Supervision, mentoring and other activities › Supervision of postgraduate students
Bettina Westerholm, folkloristik
Henriksson, B. (Supervisor of doctoral candidate)
2021 → …Activity: Supervision, mentoring and other activities › Supervision of postgraduate students
Supervisor of doctoral researcher
Salmesvuori, P. (Supervisor of doctoral candidate)
1 Aug 2020 → 18 Nov 2023Activity: Supervision, mentoring and other activities › Supervision of postgraduate students
Biträdande handledare för doktorand Miia Kontro
Sundkvist, B. (Supervisor of doctoral candidate) & Vikström, B. (Supervisor of doctoral candidate)
2020 → 2023Activity: Supervision, mentoring and other activities › Supervision of postgraduate students
Handledare för doktorand Mikael Nilsson
Slotte Russo, P. (Principal supervisor ) & Vikström, B. (Second supervisor)
2020 → 2024Activity: Supervision, mentoring and other activities › Supervision of postgraduate students
Brita Jern: ”Så länge hemmafronten håller” - Ett studium av understödjarkåren för Svenska Lutherska Evangeliföreningens missionsarbete i Kenya åren 1963–2000
Groop, K. (Second supervisor) & Dahlbacka, I. (Principal supervisor )
22 Nov 2019Activity: Supervision, mentoring and other activities › Supervision of postgraduate students
Toni Jakala: Finländska 1800-talsskulptörer i europeiskt kulturbad. Mobilitet, karriärutveckling och föreställningar om det platsspecifika.
Lundström, M.-S. (Supervisor of doctoral candidate)
2019 → …Activity: Supervision, mentoring and other activities › Supervision of postgraduate students
Karin Ström Lehander: Tyra Kleen – konstnär och kosmopolit
Lundström, M.-S. (Supervisor of doctoral candidate)
2019 → …Activity: Supervision, mentoring and other activities › Supervision of postgraduate students
Leila Tuuli: En konstsamlares "hem" ställs ut. Övergången från privat hem till offentligt museum.
Lundström, M.-S. (Supervisor of doctoral candidate)
2018 → …Activity: Supervision, mentoring and other activities › Supervision of postgraduate students
Ulla Seppälä-Kaven: Erik Bryggman huonekalusuunnittelijana
Lundström, M.-S. (Supervisor of licentiate candidate)
2018 → …Activity: Supervision, mentoring and other activities › Supervision of postgraduate students
Pia Wolff-Helminen: Inigo Jones' masque designs.
Lundström, M.-S. (Supervisor of doctoral candidate)
2018 → …Activity: Supervision, mentoring and other activities › Supervision of postgraduate students
Heidi Pfäffli: Käsityöläismaalarit Varsinais-Suomessa ja Satakunnassa 1600-luvulla
Lundström, M.-S. (Supervisor of doctoral candidate)
2018 → …Activity: Supervision, mentoring and other activities › Supervision of postgraduate students
Anoo Niskanen, religionsvetenskap
Henriksson, B. (Supervisor of doctoral candidate)
2018 → …Activity: Supervision, mentoring and other activities › Supervision of postgraduate students
Ulrika Lagerlöf Nilsson: Tradition, modernitet och förnyelse. Elisabeth Beskow och hennes författarskap decennierna kring sekelskiftet 1900
Groop, K. (Second supervisor), Dahlbacka, I. (Principal supervisor ) & Dahlbacka, J. (Second supervisor)
15 Dec 2017Activity: Supervision, mentoring and other activities › Supervision of postgraduate students
Supervisor of doctoral researcher Lilian Lindén
Slotte Russo, P. (Principal supervisor ) & Laato, A. M. (Second supervisor)
Dec 2017 → Jun 2024Activity: Supervision, mentoring and other activities › Supervision of postgraduate students
Catherine af Hällström: Spår av det förflutna. Kvinnliga fotografer i Åbo under 1800-talet
Lundström, M.-S. (Supervisor of licentiate candidate)
2017 → …Activity: Supervision, mentoring and other activities › Supervision of postgraduate students
Supervising a doctoral student at Helsinki University
Larjavaara, M. (Participant)
2017 → …Activity: Supervision, mentoring and other activities › Supervision of postgraduate students
Julia Svarvar: Ett rent och friskt folk. En granskning av offentlig badhusarkitektur och renlighetskultur i Finland under 1900-talets första hälft.
Lundström, M.-S. (Supervisor of doctoral candidate)
2017 → …Activity: Supervision, mentoring and other activities › Supervision of postgraduate students
Maria Westerholm: Modernism och makt i utsmyckningen av de katolska kyrkorna i Helsingfors från 1940-talet fram till nu.
Lundström, M.-S. (Supervisor of doctoral candidate)
2017 → …Activity: Supervision, mentoring and other activities › Supervision of postgraduate students
Nehemia Godwin Moshi: Stretching the Drum Skin. An Analysis of Power Relations in Leadership Development and Succession in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Tanzania- Northern Diocese 1942-1993
Dahlbacka, I. (Principal supervisor ) & Groop, K. (Second supervisor)
16 May 2016Activity: Supervision, mentoring and other activities › Supervision of postgraduate students
Nehemia Moshi: Stretching the Drum Skin. An Analysis of Power Relations in Leadership Development and Succession in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Tanzania – Northern Diocese 1942-1993
Groop, K. (Supervisor)
2016Activity: Supervision, mentoring and other activities › Supervision of postgraduate students
Assistant supervisor for doctoral student Rebecka Fokin at Comparative Literature, Åbo Akademi University
Lassén-Seger, M. (Supervisor of doctoral candidate)
2016 → …Activity: Supervision, mentoring and other activities › Supervision of postgraduate students
Minna Lehtomäki: Ett helgon för alla och envar. Santa Katarina av Alexandrias ikonografi under nordisk medeltid.
Lundström, M.-S. (Supervisor of doctoral candidate)
2016 → …Activity: Supervision, mentoring and other activities › Supervision of postgraduate students
Eva Johansson: Drömmen som gick i kras : Alvar Aaltos centrumplan för Helsingfors 1959-1972 : bakgrund, utformning och bemötande i en samtida kontext
Lundström, M.-S. (Supervisor of doctoral candidate)
2015 → 2018Activity: Supervision, mentoring and other activities › Supervision of postgraduate students
Heli Aaltonen: Fe y Esperanza: Women's Road to Leadership and Ministry in the Lutheran Church of El Salvador 1952-2009
Groop, K. (Second supervisor) & Dahlbacka, I. (Principal supervisor )
2013Activity: Supervision, mentoring and other activities › Supervision of postgraduate students
Gerd Snellman: Sions döttrar. De laestadianska kvinnorna som traditionsförmedlare i norra svenska Österbotten åren 1927-2009
Dahlbacka, I. (Principal supervisor )
12 Nov 2011Activity: Supervision, mentoring and other activities › Supervision of postgraduate students
Anne-Maria Wiljanen: Önningeby konstnärskoloni och de mångfasseterade sociala nätverkens interaktion.
Lundström, M.-S. (Supervisor of doctoral candidate)
2010 → 2014Activity: Supervision, mentoring and other activities › Supervision of postgraduate students
Marina Catani: Albert Edelfelts ateljépraxis
Lundström, M.-S. (Supervisor of doctoral candidate)
2010 → …Activity: Supervision, mentoring and other activities › Supervision of postgraduate students
Carola Nordbäck: Lycksalighetens källa. Kontextuella närläsningar av Anders Chydenius budordspredikningar 1781-82
Dahlbacka, I. (Principal supervisor )
7 Dec 2009Activity: Supervision, mentoring and other activities › Supervision of postgraduate students
Marika Björkgren-Thylin: From Pioneer Mission to Autonomous Church
Dahlbacka, I. (Principal supervisor )
27 Nov 2009Activity: Supervision, mentoring and other activities › Supervision of postgraduate students