Governing through fear:

Aktivitet: Deltagande i eller organisering av evenemangDeltagande i konferens, arbetsseminarium, ...


This is the second webinar in the series: (Un)welcoming migrants in Europe.
Which are the positions, reflections of Christian churches in the current European migration context? How is theology responding to the permanent mobility of people trying to enter “Fortress Europe”?

This ecumenical and international webinar series will foster critical perspectives on migration in Europe. The series facilitates an ongoing conversation on these issues among theologians and migration scholars, refugees and migrants, activists, and church and civic leaders. The initiative has the potential to enhance the promotion of the human dignity, the protection of migrants’ and refugees’ rights regardless of their origin. And first and last: Can theology and churches represent serious challenges to the present European politics and societies, often dominated by issues of security, immigration restrictions, and populist initiatives?
Period30 okt. 2023
Typ av evenemangSeminarium
PlatsOslo, NorgeVisa på karta