Valokuva Evelina Wilson

Julkaisut ja projektit vuosittain

Henkilökohtainen profiili


I am an employed doctoral candidate in Nordic history at Åbo Akademi University. In my doctoral dissertation, I investigate the attitudes of the social elite towards health and illness during the long 19th century in Finland, and to some extent in Sweden. My research illustrates how elite families managed issues of health and illness, and how this, in turn, shaped their lives and everyday routines. Thanks to the longer temporal perspective, I am also able to demonstrate the transformations that occurred in these families' so-called health culture, as well as in the medical knowledge they cultivated and shared within their networks.

My primary sources consist of extensive family correspondence and, to a lesser extent, diary materials from the late 18th to the late 19th century. This patient-oriented perspective allows me to focus on family members' own descriptions of health and illness—from childhood to old age—encompassing both men and women.

My research moves away from the conventional focus on professional medicine, concentrating instead on people's experiences and perceptions of health and illness. How did the social elite conceptualise a healthy life? How did they manage illness and mitigate health risks? Through my dissertation, I hope to contribute not only to the field of medical history but also to cultural history, by providing a broader understanding of how people's lives, routines, and daily practices were influenced by health-related beliefs and the desire to avoid illness.

Alongside my doctoral research, I have also published an article on the history of emotions during the same period, in which I examine the handling of death and mourning within elite families in the early 19th century.

Asemat yliopiston ulkopuolella

Redaktör, Historisk Tidskrift för Finland

1 maalisk. 2020 → …


  • DL Northern Europe. Scandinavia

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