A discrete element method to model coating layer mechanical properties with bimodal and pseudo-full particle size distributions

D Varney, M Toivakka, DW Bousfield

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The mechanical properties of paper coating layers are important in converting operations such as calendering, printing, and folding. While several experimental and theoretical studies have advanced our knowledge of these systems, a particle level understanding of issues like crack-at-the-fold are lacking. A discrete element method (DEM) model is used to describe bending and tension deformations of a coating layer. The particles in the model are either bimodal distributions or pseudo-full particle size distributions of spherical parti-cles. The impact of particle size distribution on the predicted mechanical properties of the coating layer is reported. Inputs to the model include properties of the binder film and the binder concentration. The model predicts crack for-mation as a function of these parameters and also calculates the modulus, the maximum stress, and the strain-to-failure. The simulation results are compared to previous experimental results. Reasonable predictions were obtained for both tensile and bending for a range of latex-starch ratios and at various binder concentrations. The influence of particle packing density on mechanical properties is reported. Application: A model is proposed that helps predict the mechanical properties of a coating layer based on pigment size distribution and binder properties.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)491-502
Number of pages12
JournalTappi Journal
Issue number7
Publication statusPublished - Jul 2023
MoE publication typeA1 Journal article-refereed


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