Project Details
The project 'Local study associations and study circles in a Nordic perspektive' is a mapping project focused on the local activities/associations of the national study associations in Denmark, Norway, Sweden and Finland (study circles and 'aftenskoler'). These organizations play an important role in the field of non-formal adult education. Despite common traditions and values, there are large differences between the countries when it comes to legal regulations, funding, organization and activities, but there is a lack of comparable knowledge in the field. The aim of the project is to map these characteristics across the countries in the most comparable way possible. The mapping will be based on collecting and systematizing of existing documents, statistics and research. Common knowledge will provide learning possibilities across countries - e.g. when it comes to discussions of regulation, funding and organization of the field. Therefore the results will be relevant for both practioners and public authorities. For researchers the mapping project will be the first step in the development of common nordic research network in the field of study associations. The results of the mapping project will be presented in a report and at an event.
Status | Finished |
Effective start/end date | 01/09/23 → 31/12/24 |
Collaborative partners
- Åbo Akademi University
- Danish Institute for Nonformal Education (ViFo) (lead)
- Linköping University
- Opintokeskukset ry
- NORCE Norwegian Research Centre AS
- University of Gothenburg
- Nordic Council of Ministers