Understanding the Spiritual Meaning of Jerusalem in Three Abrahamic Religions

Antti Laato (Redaktör)

Forskningsoutput: Bok/tidskrift/rapportAntologi/redigerad tidskriftVetenskapligPeer review


Understanding the Spiritual Meaning of Jerusalem in Three Abrahamic Religions analyzes the historical, social and theological factors which have resulted in Jerusalem being considered a holy place in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. It also surveys the transmission of the religious traditions related to Jerusalem. This volume centralizes both the biblical background of Jerusalem’s pivotal role as holy place and its later development in religious writings; the biblical imagery has been adapted, rewritten and modified in Second Temple Jewish writings, the New Testament, patristic and Jewish literature, and Islamic traditions. Thus, all three monotheistic religions have influenced the multifaceted, interpretive traditions which help to understand the current religious and political position of Jerusalem in the three main Abrahamic faiths.

ISBN (elektroniskt)978-90-04-40685-8
ISBN (tryckt)978-90-04-40678-0
StatusPublicerad - 2019
MoE-publikationstypC2 Redigerat verk

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