Sticholysin recognition of ceramide-phosphoethanolamine

Carmen García-Montoya, Diego Heras-Márquez, Rafael Amigot-Sánchez, Sara García-Linares, Álvaro Martínez-del-Pozo, Juan Palacios-Ortega*

*Korresponderande författare för detta arbete

Forskningsoutput: TidskriftsbidragArtikelVetenskapligPeer review


Actinoporins are pore-forming toxins produced by sea anemones. They exert their activity by binding to the membranes of target cells. There, they oligomerize, forming cation-selective pores, and inducing cell death by osmotic shock. In the early days of the field, it was shown that accessible sphingomyelin (SM) in the bilayer is required for the activity of actinoporins. While these toxins can also act on membranes composed solely of phosphatidylcholine (PC) with a high amount of cholesterol (Chol), consensus is that SM acts as a lipid receptor for actinoporins. It has been shown that the 2NH and 3OH moieties of SM are essential for actinoporin recognition. Hence, we wondered if ceramide-phosphoethanolamine (CPE) could also be recognized. Like SM, CPE has the 2NH and 3OH groups, and a positively charged headgroup. While actinoporins have been observed to affect membranes containing CPE, Chol was always also present, with the recognition of CPE remaining unclear. To test this possibility, we used sticholysins, produced by the Caribbean Sea anemone Stichodactyla helianthus. Our results show that sticholysins can induce calcein release on vesicles composed only of PC and CPE, in absence of Chol, in a way that is comparable to that induced on PC:SM membranes.

Antal sidor6
TidskriftArchives of Biochemistry and Biophysics
StatusPublicerad - 1 juli 2023
MoE-publikationstypA1 Tidskriftsartikel-refererad


This research was supported by UCM-Banco Santander Grants PR87/19-22556, and PR108/20–26896 (to A.M.-d.-P.) and by a REACT-EU grant from the Comunidad de Madrid to the ANTICIPA project of Complutense University of Madrid. This work is also under the auspices of UnaEuropa-2021 (seed funding number SF-2106). The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, preparation of the manuscript or decision to publish. D.H.-M. has a funded predoctoral grant from UCM-Banco Santander CT82/20-CT83/20. For most of the conduct of this study, J.P.-O. had a funded doctoral student position from ISB/ÅA and, later, J.P.-O. enjoyed a postdoctoral grant from the Magnus Ehrnrooth Foundation. We would like to thank Prof. J. Peter Slotte (Åbo Akademi) for his valuable advice. This research was supported by UCM-Banco Santander Grants PR87/19-22556 , and PR108/20–26896 (to A.M.-d.-P.) and by a REACT-EU grant from the Comunidad de Madrid to the ANTICIPA project of Complutense University of Madrid . This work is also under the auspices of UnaEuropa-2021 (seed funding number SF-2106). The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, preparation of the manuscript or decision to publish. D.H.-M. has a funded predoctoral grant from UCM-Banco Santander CT82/20-CT83/20 . For most of the conduct of this study, J.P.-O. had a funded doctoral student position from ISB/ÅA and, later, J.P.-O. enjoyed a postdoctoral grant from the Magnus Ehrnrooth Foundation .

20/20 GeneSystem (United States)83/20
UCM-BancoPR87/19-22556, PR108/20–26896
UCM-Banco Santander CT82
International Society of Biomechanics
Comunidad de Madrid
Universidad Complutense de MadridSF-2106
Magnus Ehrnrooths stiftelse


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