OECD governance indicators for a resilient Baltic Sea Action Plan 2021

    Forskningsoutput: TidskriftsbidragArtikelVetenskaplig


    This OECD water governance indicators can be a useful tool for the implementation of the Baltic Sea Action Plan 2021. Governance indicators can be seen as aggregation of variables that describe the system or process in such a way that it has more significance than the face value of its components. In the Baltic Sea context, governance indicators are not outcome indicators, as these focus on monitoring the state of the Baltic Sea. They can be useful in the implementation of the Baltic Sea Action Plan 2021 as they can provide knowledge on the transboundary capacity to support the aims and objectives for the Baltic Sea ecosystem. They can be used as tools for continuous diagnosis, reflection and improvement, as they provide a way of isolating and assessing specific aspects of governance.
    TidskriftBaltic Rim Economies
    StatusPublicerad - 8 dec. 2021
    MoE-publikationstypB1 Artikel i en vetenskaplig tidskrift


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