Hypocrisy, authenticity, and the rhetorical dynamics of populism

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1 Citeringar (Scopus)


Charges of hypocrisy are a feature of public life: government actions contradict their own commitments; private failings of public figures are exposed in themedia. However, declining trust in politicians has coincided with the rise of populists vowing to sweep away "elite"corruption - to "drain the swamp"in Donald Trump's phrase. In populist rhetoric, the "will of the people"is honest and unambiguous, its disregard for accepted norms proof of its courage and authenticity. This chapter first proposes a typology of hypocrisy allegations in mainstream Britishmedia. Then, through analysis of examples fromcoverage of climate activism, it shows how, in populist discourse, allegations of hypocrisy serve to stifle debate and discredit valid positions, while reinforcing the authenticity of the popular will.

Titel på värdpublikationThe Pragmatics of Hypocrisy
RedaktörerSandrine Sorlin, Tuija Virtanen
FörlagJohn Benjamins
ISBN (elektroniskt)9789027247056
ISBN (tryckt)9789027247056, 9789027247056, 9789027247056, 9789027247056, 9789027247056, 9789027214614
StatusPublicerad - 1 mars 2024
MoE-publikationstypA3 Del av bok eller annan forskningsbok


NamnPragmatics and Beyond New Series
ISSN (tryckt)0922-842X


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