Digital paths to medieval Naantali -- from mobile information technology to mobile archaeological information

Isto Vatanen, Hannele Lehtonen, Isto Huvila

    Forskningsoutput: Kapitel i bok/konferenshandlingKonferensbidragVetenskapligPeer review


    While a considerable number of mobile computing applications for cultural and archaeological heritage presentation have been developed, the characteristics of archaeological information and processes of transferring it to the mobile context have received considerably little attention. The question of how the archaeological data makes information suitable for the general public is discussed in the context of an on-going R&D project in Naantali, Finland. The process of examined by discussing some fundamental characteristics of archaeological data, and the information aimed for the general public. On the basis of these characteristics and suggested functions of the information, a framework for a flexible data model is introduced to increase the efficiency of the information process. The data model addresses especially the problems of parallel information, management of changing interpretations and flexible updates.
    Titel på värdpublikationBeyond the Artifact. Digital Interpretation of the Past. Proceedings of CAA2004, Prato 13--17 April 2004
    RedaktörerF Niccolucci, S Hermon
    StatusPublicerad - 2004
    MoE-publikationstypA4 Artikel i en konferenspublikation
    Evenemangconference -
    Varaktighet: 1 jan. 2010 → …


    Period01/01/10 → …

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