Clutch-size variation in Western Palaearctic secondary hole-nesting passerine birds in relation to nest box design

AP Møller, F Adriaensen, A Artemyev, J Banbura, E Barba, C Biard, J Blondel, Z Bouslama, JC Bouvier, J Camprodon, F Cecere, A Chaine, A Charmantier, M Charter, M Cichon, C Cusimano, D Czeszczewik, B Doligez, C Doutrelant, A DubiecM Eens, T Eeva, B Faivre, PN Ferns, JT Forsman, E Garcia-del-Rey, A Goldshtein, AE Goodenough, AG Gosler, I Gozdz, A Gregoire, L Gustafsson, IR Hartley, P Heeb, SA Hinsley, P Isenmann, S Jacob, A Järvinen, R Juskaitis, W Kania, E Korpimäki, I Krams, T Laaksonen, B Leclercq, E Lehikoinen, O Loukola, A Lundberg, MC Mainwaring, R Mänd, B Massa, TD Mazgajski, S Merino, C Mitrus, M Mönkkönen, J Morales-Fernaz, J Moreno, X Morin, RG Nager, JA Nilsson, SG Nilsson, AC Norte, M Orell, P Perret, CM Perrins, CS Pimentel, R Pinxten, I Priedniece, MC Quidoz, V Remes, H Richner, H Robles, A Russell, S Rytkönen, JC Senar, JT Seppänen, da Silva LP, T Slagsvold, T Solonen, A Sorace, MJ Stenning, J Török, P Tryjanowski, van Noordwijk AJ, Mikael von Numers, W Walankiewicz, MM Lambrechts

    Forskningsoutput: TidskriftsbidragArtikelVetenskapligPeer review

    42 Citeringar (Scopus)


    These findings demonstrate that the size of nest boxes and material used to construct nest boxes can differentially affect clutch size in different species. The findings also suggest that the nest box design may affect not only focal species, but also indirectly other species through the effects of nest box design on productivity and therefore potentially population density and hence interspecific competition.
    Sidor (från-till)353–362
    Antal sidor10
    TidskriftMethods in Ecology and Evolution
    StatusPublicerad - 2014
    MoE-publikationstypA1 Tidskriftsartikel-refererad


    • geographic location
    • habitat
    • latitude
    • longitude
    • nest box floor area
    • nest box material

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