The VIII International Congress on Stress Proteins in Biology and Medicine: täynnä henkeä

Cristina Bonorino, Lea Sistonen, John Eriksson, Valérie Mezger, Gabriella Santoro, Lawrence E. Hightower

Tutkimustuotos: LehtiartikkeliArtikkeliTieteellinen

3 Sitaatiot (Scopus)


About 150 international scientists gathered in Turku, Finland, in August of 2017 for the eighth in a series of international congresses about the roles of stress proteins in biology and medicine. The scientific theme and title of the 2017 Congress was "Stress Management Mechanisms and Pathways." The meeting covered a broad range of topics, reflecting the wide scope of the Cell Stress Society International (CSSI) and highlighting the numerous recent breakthroughs in stress response biology and medicine. The keynote lecturers included Marja Jaattela, Richard Morimoto, Anne Bertolotti, and Peter Walter. The Executive Council of the CSSI elected new Fellows and Senior Fellows. The Spirit of Budapest Award was presented to Peter Csermely, Wolfgang Schumann, and Subhash Lakhotia in recognition of pioneering service contributions to the CSSI. The CSSI Medallion for Career Achievement was awarded to Larry Hightower and CSSI president Gabriella Santoro proclaimed Tuesday, August 15, 2017, Robert M. Tanguay Day at the congress in recognition of Robert's many years of scientific accomplishment and work on behalf of the CSSI. Additional special events were the awarding of the Ferruccio Ritossa Early Career Award to Serena Carra and the Alfred TissiSres Young Investigator Award to Ayesha Murshid. As is the tradition at CSSI congresses, there were social events that included an exciting piano performance by a trio of young Finnish pianists, at the Sibelius Museum.
AlkuperäiskieliEi tiedossa
JulkaisuCell Stress and Chaperones
DOI - pysyväislinkit
TilaJulkaistu - 2018
OKM-julkaisutyyppiB1 Artikkeli tiedelehdessä


  • Stress Management Mechanisms and Pathways
  • The 2017 Congress
  • Cell Stress Society International
