Advances in Process Integration Studies for Novel Biorefinery Concepts and Biofuel Production for Sustainability Transformation

Research output: Types of ThesisDoctoral ThesisCollection of Articles


This research work started in 2020 and the place of research has been the Laboratory of Energy Technology at the Faculty of Science and Engineering of Åbo Akademi University.

In the context of circular bioeconomy, the process integration refers to inserting a valorization process into the existing waste-generating sectors. Especially, the wastes related to population growth and human activities are challenging to process due to being high-volume, dilute streams. Hydrothermal processes are suitable for this kind of waste streams. There is a research gap as these waste wet biomass feedstocks are not effectively processed, thus highlighting the need for an innovative solution in this area. The main goal of this research project is to contribute to sustainability transformation to the circular economy. This contribution is achieved through comprehensive research on the most economically and technologically viable processes for biorefineries.

The objective of this research is to develop biorefinery integration concepts enhancing the energy and resource recovery from the waste streams, thus achieving circularity in the waste-generating sectors. Especially, high-volume, dilute aqueous wastes introduce challenges regarding recovery. This kind of wastes can be processed most effectively through hydrothermal processes: using water as the reaction media and not requiring energy-demanding drying or evaporation step. The case studies in this research included the integration of hydrothermal processes with biogas plants.

The biorefinery concepts should be developed following the desired products or recovery needs and the biomass waste. Furthermore, the operational aspects can be addressed through novel biorefinery concepts combining the hydrothermal processes effectively. The investigation on the operational aspects of supercritical water gasification and hydrothermal liquefaction highlighted the safety issues, long-term operational issues, and an operational aspect affecting the economic performance. The main solution is proposed as selecting the conditions to minimize these issues. Meanwhile, this research proposed new process integration concepts to address the operational aspects and to improve the economic performance as well as improving the mineral and nutrient recovery. One of the proposed processes is hydrothermal carbonization of digestate followed by supercritical water gasification of the aqueous effluent, integrated with biogas plants. The other is hydrothermal liquefaction of sewage sludge, hydrothermal carbonization of digestate and supercritical water gasification of the aqueous effluents.

The research proposed here is well in line with the strategic research profile in Technologies for a Sustainable Future at FNT, ÅAU. This research contributes to the Sustainable Development Goals proposed by the United Nations and in particular it contributes to the SDG-7. Affordable and Clean Energy; SDG-12: Responsible Consumption and Production and SDG-13: Climate Action.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationÅbo
Print ISBNs978-952-12-4373-8
Electronic ISBNs978-952-12-4374-5
Publication statusPublished - 2024
MoE publication typeG5 Doctoral dissertation (article)


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