Young People’s Reasons for and Emotional Reactions to Sexting in Intimate Relationships

Anu Isotalo, Jan Antfolk

Forskningsoutput: TidskriftsbidragArtikelVetenskapligPeer review


Although sexting is a widespread phenomenon among today’s youth, little is known about their experiences of sexting with their intimate partners. This study addresses this gap by examining young people’s reasons for sexting and emotional reactions to sending and receiving sexts in their intimate relationships, as reported by 764 (48.7% girls) 15–20-year-olds in Finland. Both younger and older girls and boys reported mostly positive reactions to both sending and receiving sexts. However, girls reported more negative reactions than boys did. Girls’ reasons for sending sexts were more frequently related to their own desire to feel sexy or flirtatious, their need for validation from their partner, or the pressure that their partner put on them to sext, whereas boys’ reasons more often indicated normative ideas of sexting as a typical component in a romantic relationship and responding to sexts sent to them by their partners. The results suggest that although it is mostly consensual and reciprocal, sexting within intimate relationships may carry different meanings for boys and girls, reflecting gendered heterosexual norms.

TidskriftJournal of Sex Research
StatusPublicerad - 16 okt. 2024
MoE-publikationstypA1 Tidskriftsartikel-refererad


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