Willi Münzenberg: A Propagandist Reaching Beyond the Party and Class

Fredrik Petersson

Forskningsoutput: Kapitel i bok/konferenshandlingKapitelVetenskapligPeer review

1 Citeringar (Scopus)


The chapter focus on the pivotal role of the German communist Willi Münzenberg (1889-1940) in exploring the field of propaganda to connect various campaigns against colonialism, imperialism, fascism, and the war threat during the Weimar republic. Published in the anthology Weimar Communism as Mass Movement (Lawrence & Wishart, 2017), the chapter highlights the need of assessing and understanding Münzenberg's role as a connective source that linked together activism that went beyond party and class in Germany. By focusing on how Münzenberg connected a political relationship between colonialism, fascism and the war threat, the article underscores his central role of agency and control vis-a-vi the Communist International and the German Communist Party (KPD) between the wars. The article is based on archival research in Moscow and Berlin.

Titel på värdpublikationWeimar Communism as Mass Movement 1918-1933
RedaktörerNorman LaPorte, Ralf Hoffrogge
FörlagLawrence and Wishart
ISBN (tryckt)9781910448984
StatusPublicerad - 2017
MoE-publikationstypA3 Del av bok eller annan forskningsbok

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