Voting and Public Opinion in Finland: The Finnish Parliamentary Election of 2019

Kimmo Grönlund (Redaktör), Kim Strandberg (Redaktör)

Forskningsoutput: Bok/tidskrift/rapportAntologi/redigerad tidskriftVetenskapligPeer review

144 Nedladdningar (Pure)


The political spring of 2019 was especially busy in Finland with both a Parliamentary election and an election  to the European Parliament. This report is based on an online panel called eOpinion 2019 which political science researchers at Åbo Akademi University conducted over the course of the elections all the way into June. The panel included eight survey waves in total and had almost 2,000 participating adults. This report provides an insight into voting behavior and public opinion in Finland in 2019. It contains nine short chapters in which political scientists focus on various aspects of the Parliamentary election and, to some extent, the EU election. Topics such as voting, value dimensions, media habits, political trust and party sympathies are covered. The report is published by the Social Science Research Institute (Samforsk) at Åbo Akademi.
FörlagThe Social Science Research Institute, Åbo Akademi University
ISBN (elektroniskt)978-952-12-3846-8
ISBN (tryckt)978-952-12-3845-1
StatusPublicerad - 2019
MoE-publikationstypC2 Redigerat verk


  • Elections
  • Panel study
  • Political trust
  • SOCIAL media
  • Trust
  • public opinion

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