Theme of the symposium i Gothenburg, Sweden (Co-Chair: Jessica Hemberg, Finland) : Existential loneliness in older adults in need of care and the role of health care professionals: Own paper: Existential loneliness of frail older adults

Forskningsoutput: Kapitel i bok/konferenshandlingKonferensbidragVetenskapligPeer review


Frail older adults (in need of care) is a group of people that globally is increasing in numbers and these individuals are at risk for experiencing suffering due to loneliness of existential kind. Therefore, research regarding the phenomenon of existential loneliness amongst these frail older adults is important to explore, as well as for increasing understanding of ways of addressing and alleviating this kind of suffering from loneliness. It is also essential to expand the understanding of the role of health care professionals and how difficult issues can be discussed with these frail older adults in need of care in order to potentially alleviate their suffering from existential loneliness. The aim of this symposium is to explore existential loneliness in frail older adults in need of care and the role of health care professionals. How can existential suffering from existential loneliness be understood according to older adults and how can health care professionals address these needs? The symposium contributes to an understanding of experiences from suffering from existential loneliness amongst frail older adults in need of care and ways of addressing and alleviating this kind of suffering.
Titel på värdpublikationThe International association of gerontology and geriatrics european region congress held between 23th and 25th may 2019
StatusPublicerad - 2019
MoE-publikationstypO2 Other
EvenemangThe International association of gerontology and geriatrics european region congress - Gothenburg, Sverige
Varaktighet: 23 maj 201925 maj 2019


KonferensThe International association of gerontology and geriatrics european region congress


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