The vision of Hezekiah in the Ascension of Isaiah

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11 Nedladdningar (Pure)


I deal with the content of the vision of Hezekiah in Ascen. Isa. 1:2-5 and argue that it is based on Hezekiah’s prayer or thanksgiving in Isa 38:9-20. The writer of the Ascension of Isaiah argues that in his vision Hezekiah foresees the coming of Christ who fulfills the salvation plan of God and condemns the evil powers—two topics which are related in Ascen. Isa. 4:19-21 to two important key texts in the book of Isaiah, that is, Isa 13-14 (the destruction of the evil power Babylon) and
Isa 52:13- 53:12 (the descending of the Beloved One). I argue that the writer of the Ascension of Isaiah presumably accepted the established Jewish interpretation that Immanuel was Hezekiah but argued, additionally, that its deeper secret meaning (according to the interpretive model of Sir 39:1-3) concerned the Beloved.
Sidor (från-till)89
Antal sidor106
TidskriftJournal for the Study of the Pseudepigrapha
StatusPublicerad - 2024
MoE-publikationstypA1 Tidskriftsartikel-refererad


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