The Role of Language in Culture and Education = Sprache als kulturelle Herausforderung

Annikki Koskensalo, John Smeds, Rudolf de Cillia, Gerhard Schildberg-Schroth (Redaktör)

Forskningsoutput: Bok/tidskrift/rapportAntologi/redigerad tidskriftVetenskapligPeer review


The Edition reflects a dialogue between scholars from different countries and different fields of academics discourse. In all contributions a strong social aspect is present. More specially, the edition deals with multilingualism and language awareness (E.Oksaar). The topic of language policy is approached from a Finnish (A.Koskensalo, R. Pykkö), Irish (P.P. Höglund) and Spanish perspective (Á. Huguet et al). The German situation is dealt with in chapters on variations and anglicisms (R. de Cillia, H.-G. Schmitz). Other chapters deal with language education , including text books, the mediation of cultural dimension, and lingua franca English (S. Takala, W. Decco, K. Sjöholm et al., D. Rochev, M. Maijala, E. Larzén-Östermark). Finally the role of language in literature is intricately woven into educational concerns and translation (G. Schildberg-Schroth, J. W. Joost) and a glance is thrown upon the future prospects for language learning (P. Kaikkonen).
FörlagLit verlag
Antal sidor383
ISBN (tryckt)978-3-643-10325-3
StatusPublicerad - 2009
MoE-publikationstypC2 Redigerat verk


NamnDichtung - Wahrheit - Sprache


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