The Power of Vulnerability: Mobilising affect in feminist, queer and anti-racist media cultures

Anu Koivunen (Redaktör), Katariina Kyrölä (Redaktör), Ingrid Ryberg (Redaktör)

Forskningsoutput: Bok/tidskrift/rapportAntologi/redigerad tidskriftVetenskapligPeer review


This book investigates the historical legacies and contemporary forms and effects of the language of vulnerability. In today's media culture, traumatic first-person or group narratives have popular currency, mobilising affect from compassion to rage in order to gain visibility and political advantage. Vulnerability is seen as a kind of capital; not only as victimhood but also as a resource that can be adopted for various purposes. Contributors to the book, including Jack Halberstam and Sara Ahmed, examine how claims of vulnerability not only reveal but also obscure asymmetries of power, how media activism and state policies address so-called vulnerable groups, and how we determine whose vulnerability counts as socially and culturally legible. Providing keen insights into the political potential as well as the constraints of vulnerability for feminist, queer and anti-racist criticism, the book is of interest to scholars and students in media and cultural studies, affect theory, gender studies, queer theory and critical race studies.

FörlagManchester University Press
ISBN (elektroniskt)9781526133113
ISBN (tryckt)978-1-5261-3309-0
StatusPublicerad - 2018
MoE-publikationstypC2 Redigerat verk

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