The future of learning sustainability in business: a connectivism theory approach

    Forskningsoutput: KonferensbidragSammanfattningVetenskaplig

    1 Nedladdningar (Pure)


    Nordic universities may have different approaches to the teaching principles and methods used in teaching sustainable development including the usage of digital technologies. These have been known but gained special popularity during the Covid-19 pandemic. Therefore, efficient methods of developing knowledge with the help of digital technologies require more research. This study regards connectivism theory applied to the pedagogic practices of knowledge dissemination about sustainable development in the fields of business and marketing. According to the results of this empirical research, connectivism can be considered a suitable epistemological framework for developing a learning environment where learning is facilitated by digital technologies.
    Antal sidor20
    StatusPublicerad - 2022
    MoE-publikationstypO2 Other
    EvenemangThe 26th Nordic Academy of Management Conference - Örebro University, Örebro, Sverige
    Varaktighet: 24 aug. 202224 aug. 2022


    KonferensThe 26th Nordic Academy of Management Conference
    Förkortad titelNFF 2022


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