‘Talking Tools': Sloyd Processes Become Multimodal Stories with Smartphone Documentation

Annika Wiklund-Engblom, Kasper Hiltunen, Juha Hartvik, Mia Porko-Hudd, Marlene Johansson

Forskningsoutput: TidskriftsbidragArtikelVetenskapligPeer review

6 Citeringar (Scopus)
59 Nedladdningar (Pure)


The study presented is part of a work-in-progress project of developing a mobile application for smartphones, Talking Tools (TT). The first context TT is developed for and tested in is sloyd education [Swedish: slöjd], a compulsory subject taught in Finnish schools. In sloyd learners design and manufacture unique artifacts in various materials (textiles, wood, metal, and electronics). The process-based work flow of sloyd lends itself well to this kind of educational tool, which aids multimodal documentation, communication, and instruction. The empirical study targets what student teachers (N=11) microblogged about and the character of the blog posts during a sloyd project. A sociocultural perspective of appropriating new tools for learning is used as a theoretical frame, as well as views on multimodality and transmedia. Their sloyd process is discussed in terms of transmedia storybuilding, as learners build their own story as a flow of content through their documentation and interactions.
Sidor (från-till)41–57
TidskriftInternational Journal of Mobile and Blended Learning
StatusPublicerad - 2014
MoE-publikationstypA1 Tidskriftsartikel-refererad


  • Documentation
  • Mobile learning
  • multimodality
  • sloyd
  • transmedia storybuilding


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