Spaces for learning: past, present and future: Proceedings of the 30th annual symposium of the Finnish Mathematics and Science Education Research Association in Vaasa, November 6-9, 2013

Ann-Sofi Röj-Lindberg (Redaktör), Lars Burman (Redaktör), Berit Kurtén (Redaktör), Karin Linnanmäki (Redaktör)

Forskningsoutput: Bok/tidskrift/rapportAntologi/redigerad tidskriftVetenskapligPeer review


The 30th annual symposium of the Finnish Mathematics and Science Education Research Association (FMSERA) was organized in Vaasa, Finland, at Åbo Akademi University, on November 6-8, 2013.  FMSERA is the oldest subject didactical science organization in Finland. The first annual symposium was held in Turku in August 1983.

This peer-reviewed report is a collection of the invited lectures, papers and short communications presented at the symposium. The approximately 60 participants represented research communities in Finland, Sweden, Germany and Israel. The presentations highlighted aspects in the history of FMSERA as well as current research on topics relevant to teaching and learning of mathematics and science.

The report is organized into four sections with 16 articles in English, five in Finnish and one article written as a dialogue in both Swedish and Finnish. The first section contains three articles related to the anniversary of FMSERA. The second section contains two keynote lectures from the fields of mathematics and science education. The third section contains 11 regular papers, and the fourth section contains six short communications.

FörlagFaculty of Education, Åbo Akademi University
ISBN (elektroniskt)978-952-12-3129-2
ISBN (tryckt)978-952-12-3128-5
StatusPublicerad - 2014
MoE-publikationstypC2 Redigerat verk

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