Searching for improved characterization of ash forming matter in biomass

Maria Zevenhoven, BJ Skrifvars, Patrik Yrjas, Mikko Hupa, L Nuutinen, R Laitinen

    Forskningsoutput: Kapitel i bok/konferenshandlingKonferensbidragVetenskapligPeer review


    Characterization of ash forming matter in biomass fuels provides a key knowledge for better ash behavior predictions in flue gases.  In this paper the chem. fractionation based on selective leaching of a no. of biomass fuels is reported, i.e. Finnish and Swedish pine bark and Scandinavian wood.  Two samples of Finnish peat and a coal are included as ref. materials.  Extended leaching tests were carried out with the Finnish bark and wood.  Here different amts. of leaching agent were used.  It was shown that leaching with 20 mL NH4Ac​/g fuel during 24 h is sufficient to reach equil.  Further tests should be carried out in order to check whether a one, two or three- step procedure is necessary.  In case of leaching with HCl it is shown that a liq. amt. of 20 mL HCl​/g fuel is sufficient to reach equil.  In the future, tests will be carried out in order to check whether a two-​step procedure is necessary and if the HCl-​leaching also could be carried out at room temp. instead of at 70°C as done here.  SEM​/EDX anal. of untreated solid samples, of samples after leaching and of lab. ashed samples was used in an attempt to verify the fractionation results and to distinguish between internal and external minerals in the fuel.  It was shown that depending on the origin and biol. function of a biomass fuel, it will contain included minerals (as in the bark studied here- for sturdiness) and​/or external minerals (soil contamination)​.  The improved anal. of the ash-​forming matter gives a solid starting point for more accurate prediction of ash deposit formation.
    Titel på värdpublikationProceedings of the 16th international conference on fluidized bed combustion
    RedaktörerDW Geiling
    FörlagAmerican Society of Mechanical Engineers, ASME
    ISBN (tryckt)9780791835234
    StatusPublicerad - 2001
    MoE-publikationstypA4 Artikel i en konferenspublikation
    Evenemangconference; 2001-05-13; 2001-05-16 - Reno, Nevada
    Varaktighet: 13 maj 200116 maj 2001


    Konferensconference; 2001-05-13; 2001-05-16


    • Biomass ash
    • bark
    • wood

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