REWAS 2022: Energy Technologies and CO2 Management (Volume II)

Fiseha Tesfaye* (Redaktör), Lei Zhang (Redaktör), Donna Post Guillen (Redaktör), Ziqi Sun (Redaktör), Alafara Abdullahi Baba (Redaktör), Neale R. Neelameggham (Redaktör), Mingming Zhang (Redaktör), Dirk E. Verhulst (Redaktör), Shafiq Alam (Redaktör)

*Korresponderande författare för detta arbete

Forskningsoutput: Bok/tidskrift/rapportAntologi/redigerad tidskriftVetenskapligPeer review

13 Nedladdningar (Pure)


The reliance on fossil fuels for energy is unsustainable and has released an unprecedented amount of carbon dioxide into our atmosphere. The continual research and development effort into clean and sustainable energy technologies is of paramount importance to ensure the responsible progress of human civilization and innovations. This symposium, with participation from industry, government, and academia, focuses on energy efficient technologies including innovative ore beneficiation, smelting technologies, and recycling and waste heat recovery, ‘smart cool materials’ for abating Urban Heat Islands as well as emerging novel energy technologies. The symposium also covers various technological aspects of sustainable energy ecosystems, processes that improve energy efficiency and reduce thermal emissions.
UtgivningsortGewerbestrasse 11, 6330 Cham, Switzerland
FörlagSpringer International Publishing
Antal sidor176
ISBN (elektroniskt)978-3-030-92559-8
ISBN (tryckt)978-3-030-92558-1
StatusPublicerad - 16 feb. 2022
MoE-publikationstypC2 Redigerat verk
EvenemangTMS 2022 Annual Meeting & Exhibition - Anaheim Convention Center & Anaheim Marriott , Anaheim, USA
Varaktighet: 27 feb. 20223 mars 2022
Konferensnummer: 151


NamnThe Minerals, Metals & Materials Series
ISSN (tryckt)2367-1181
ISSN (elektroniskt)2367-1696


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