Quality of Kindergarten Teacher Training in regard to Science: a Joint Nordic Approach

Merete Økland Sortland, Tarja Irene Tikkanen, Marianne Presthus Heggen, Kari Holter, Guri Langholm, Stig Broström, Karen Bollingberg, Birgitte Damgaard, Thorleif Frøkjær, Laila Gustavsson, Sigve Ladstein, Kari Grutle Nappen, Kristín Norðdahl, Heidi Harju-Luukkainen, Eva Staffans, Susanne Thulin

Forskningsoutput: TidskriftsbidragArtikelVetenskapligPeer review


This articlepresents a new joint Nordic study module consisting of a theoretical framework,the kindergarten teacher students’ case study and a reflection talk, in naturalscience for the kinder-garten teacher education. The module is developedthrough an interdisciplinary collaboration in the Nordplus network: Learning ofscience concepts by kindergarten children: Nordic study module for thekindergarten teacher education (NATGREP), with science and quality in thekindergarten teacher education in focus. The introduction describes the Nordickindergartens shortly, and concepts as qua­lity and competence are shortlydiscussed. It is followed by the module’s theoretical framework. Then the studymodule’s development process is described accompanied by reflections of thestudent’s case studies in relation to the theoretical framework. At the end,the work with the study module is sum­marised, and the main conclusion is thatthe study module contributes positively to the students’ skills development,both in science and quality.

Sidor (från-till)97–111
StatusPublicerad - 2017
MoE-publikationstypA1 Tidskriftsartikel-refererad

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