Når poesien deltager i økokritikken, finder betydningen sig i lydene - Om det fonematiske niveau i Katarina Frostensons Flodtid og Lars Skinnebachs Enhver betydning er også en mislyd

Claus Madsen

Forskningsoutput: TidskriftsbidragArtikelVetenskapligPeer review


Ecocriticism rarely takes a formalistic approach. This article nonetheless focuses how the long poems’ extended poetic enactment in an ecocritical context imbues meaning-dividing elements like graphemes and phonemes with meaning. This lettered meaningfulness is achieved in two distinctly different ways. Frostenson’s Flodtid achieves it through a river-poetic flow where the amalgamation of letters in movements of the eyes or lungs use means analogous to the flow of the river to imbue the singular meaning-dividing letters with meaning. The /O/ is symbolized as negation of a catastrophic flow and the /Ö/ entanglement with it, so ecocritical meaning accumulates in the lettered flow. Skinnebach’s Enhver betydning er også en mislyd achieves it through a drone-poetic insistence. The titles waylaying of meaning and the poetic text’s unwillingness to state matters clearly urges an attempt at meaning in the static around a foregrounded i-pattern indexical to the climate catastrophe. Ecocritical meaning accumulates by the text. These intrinsic and extrinsic phonematics are presented in detail in the ensuing ecocritical reading.
Sidor (från-till)313–330
StatusPublicerad - 2016
MoE-publikationstypA1 Tidskriftsartikel-refererad


  • ecological literacy
  • ecopoetics
  • fonematik
  • indexicality
  • Long Poem
  • Langdigt
  • Långdikt
  • ecocritisicm

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