Language : Competence - Change - Contact = Sprache: Kompetenz - Kontakt - Wandel

Annikki Koskensalo, John Smeds, Rudolf de Cillia, Ángel Huguet, Gerhard Schildberg-Schroth (Redaktör)

Forskningsoutput: Bok/tidskrift/rapportAntologi/redigerad tidskriftVetenskapligPeer review


Who has the right to say what language will be taught in schools, or what kind of language will be published in the press and spoken in the media in a world where language constantly change? The articles in this collection refer to several languages areas in Europe, from North (Scandinavia) to South (Spain/Balkan) and East (Ukraine/Russia) as well as the Center (Germany/Austria) and include one contribution on Canada. They present different cases of language competence and its assessment (E. Lehtinen, A. Koskensalo, H.-M. Järvinen, N. Valtaranta) , languages in contact in different settings ( H. F. Marten, C. W.Pfaff, R. de Cillia, S. Mönnesland, Á. Huguet et al.), and contributions on language change (P. Kaikkonen, F. N. Laín, L. Forsman, R. Pyykkö, S. Lindberg) which are related to applied linguistics both from a sociolinguistic and an educational linguistic point of view.
FörlagLit verlag
Antal sidor286
ISBN (tryckt)978-3-643-10801-2
StatusPublicerad - 2012
MoE-publikationstypC2 Redigerat verk


NamnDichtung - Wahrheit - Sprache


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