Isaiah 6:1–3 and Angelomorphic Christology: An Approach to Understand Origen’s Isaiah Exegesis

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15 Nedladdningar (Pure)


This article deals with Origen’s interpretation of Isaiah’s vision in Isa 6. Origen refers to his Hebrew Master’s statement in Orig. Princ. 1.3.4 where two Seraphim are identified with Christ and the Holy Spirit. The main scope in the article is to put the Hebrew Master’s opinion in balance with Origen’s own Christology. The problem is approached from the method of biblical argumentation by using ancien reception historical ways to understand scripture. The Hebrew Master’s statement is related to three important themes: First, the angelomorphic theophanies in the Old Testament provide a general background for the idea that Christ (and the Holy Spirit) can be identified with Seraphim. Second, Origen relates Isaiah’s Seraphim to Cherubim in the Ark of Covenant and use Hab 3:2 to illustrate his Christology. Third, the Christology of the Ascension of Isaiah provides a good parallel to understand the Hebrew Master’s statement about Seraphim. The main result in the article is that Origen’s own Christology is well balanced with the statement of the Hebrew Master. Origen’s teachings about Christ can be characterized as high and subordinate Christology, and its roots are in early Jewish-Christian circles.
TidskriftVerbum Vitae
StatusPublicerad - 15 maj 2024
MoE-publikationstypA1 Tidskriftsartikel-refererad


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