Improving Immigrant Inclusion Through the Design of a Digital Language Learning Game

Heidi Katz, Emmanuel Acquah, Anette Bengs, Fredrik Sten, Mattias Wingren

Forskningsoutput: Kapitel i bok/konferenshandlingKapitelVetenskapligPeer review


Technology has garnered attention as a successful tool for second language learning, which could help improve immigrant integration and inclusion. More specifically, digital learning games have been identified as an effective tool for enhancing a variety of outcomes related to second language learning, including language acquisition, motivation, and confidence. Digital learning games differentiate instruction, provide immediate feedback, situate the learning, and offer a safe and engaging environment to practice the target language. However, it is important that digital learning games are designed with the end-users in mind. For that reason, this study outlines how researchers and game developers can utilize user-centered design to develop a context-specific digital language learning game for immigrants. As an example, the authors present the four-phase process of an ongoing game design project in Finland, including general findings from interviews with teachers.
Titel på värdpublikationHandbook of Research on Promoting Economic and Social Development Through Serious Games
RedaktörerOscar Bernardes, Vanessa Amorim
FörlagIGI Global
ISBN (elektroniskt)9781799897347
ISBN (tryckt)9781799897323, 179989732X, 9781799897330
StatusPublicerad - mars 2022
MoE-publikationstypA3 Del av bok eller annan forskningsbok


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