Holy Woman, Mad Woman

Laura Hellsten* (Artist), Lotta Petronella* (Artist)

*Korresponderande författare för detta arbete

Forskningsoutput: Icke-textbaserad outputFramförandeVetenskaplig


A performance conversation around Christina Mirabilis (1150-1224) who lived in a tree like a bird. The unofficial saint for those who lost their mind, the fallen ones, the ones without names. Christina the astonishing initiated outside the religious orders, a child, a shepard. She foresaw the famine, rose from the dead, swirled as a stylite disgusted by the stench of mankind. We will discuss Christina in relation to Laura’s research on medieval women and dance and Lotta’s work on Seili.
StatusPublicerad - 9 okt. 2024
MoE-publikationstypO2 Other
Evenemang Själö Herbarium series - Jokistudio, Turku, Finland
Varaktighet: 9 okt. 202431 maj 2025


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