Experimental thermodynamic study on the Ag-Sb system at elevated temperatures

Markus Aspiala, Fiseha Tesfaye, Pekka Taskinen

Forskningsoutput: Kapitel i bok/konferenshandlingKonferensbidragVetenskapligPeer review


In this paper, the standard thermodynamic properties of Ag3Sb and Ag6Sb intermetallic compounds have been studied by the solid state EMF-method, using Ag+ ion conducting β- Alumina and Ag+. The intermetallic compounds were synthesized from pure substances in evacuated silica ampoules and their formation were confirmed by the SEM-EDS analyses. The EMF measurements were made on electrochemical cells of the type [Ag | β-alumina | Ag-Sb] and [Ag | Agl | Ag-Sb], The usage of β-alumina electrolyte, in this study, enabled thermodynamic measurements of the Ag-Sb-intermetallic compounds above 710 K, hitherto unreported. Based on the new experimental data, thermodynamic properties of the Ag-Sb-intermetallic compounds have been determined. The obtained experimental values have been compared with the available literature data.

Titel på värdpublikationEPD Congress 2015 - Held During TMS 2015 144th Annual Meeting and Exhibition
RedaktörerJames A. Yurko, James A. Yurko, Antoine Allanore, Laura Bartlett, Laura Bartlett, Jonghyun Lee, Lifeng Zhang, Lifeng Zhang, Lifeng Zhang, Gabriella Tranell, Yulia Meteleva-Fischer, Shadia Ikhmayies, Shadia Ikhmayies, Arief Suriadi Budiman, Prabhat Tripathy, Guy Lawrence Fredrickson
FörlagMinerals, metals and materials society
Antal sidor8
ISBN (elektroniskt)9781119082453
StatusPublicerad - 2015
MoE-publikationstypA4 Artikel i en konferenspublikation
EvenemangEPD Congress 2015 - TMS 2015 144th Annual Meeting and Exhibition - Orlando, USA
Varaktighet: 15 mars 201519 mars 2015


NamnTMS Annual Meeting


KonferensEPD Congress 2015 - TMS 2015 144th Annual Meeting and Exhibition


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