Effect of polyelectrolytes on conductivity for printed functionality

Dimitar Valtakari, Roger Bollström, Martti Toivakka, Jarkko Saarinen

    Forskningsoutput: Kapitel i bok/konferenshandlingKonferensbidragVetenskapligPeer review


    The present work describes the behavior of silver and conductive polymer tracks and films in the presence of an anionic or a cationic polyelectrolyte that are typically used in papermaking. The relative humidity increase was studied with silver electrode tracks on hygroscopic polyelectrolyte films. The effect of silver track uniformity, corrosion and conductivity were susceptible to the electrical current passing through humidity. In this regard, the anionic electrolyte was more inert in comparison to the cationic one. PEDOT:PSS formed nonuniform layers with lowered electrical performance when spin-coated on anionic polyelectrolyte coated glass substrate in comparison to clean, noncoated glass substrate. On the cationic polyelectrolyte coated substrates spin-coated PEDOT:PSS formed uniform and well con-ducting layers.
    Titel på värdpublikationAdvances in Printing and Media technology : Proceedings of the 41st International Research Conference of iarigai
    RedaktörerNils Enlund, Mladen Lovreček
    FörlagThe International Association of Research Organisanisations for the Information, Media and Graphics Arts Industry
    ISBN (tryckt)978-3-9870704-0-3
    StatusPublicerad - 2014
    MoE-publikationstypA4 Artikel i en konferenspublikation
    Evenemangconference; 2014-09-06; 2014-09-10 - Swansea, UK
    Varaktighet: 6 sep. 201410 sep. 2014


    Konferensconference; 2014-09-06; 2014-09-10


    • Organic electronics
    • Paper electronics
    • Polyelectrolyte
    • Silver electrodes

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