Blog Symposium - The Many Faces of Territorial Autonomy

Sia Spiliopoulou Åkermark (Redaktör), Elisabeth Alber (Redaktör)

Forskningsoutput: Övriga bidragPeer review


This blog symposium brings together a number of experts on territorial autonomy, most of whom participated in a workshop convened in June 2023 by the Åland Islands Peace Institute in cooperation with the Finland Institute in Berlin. The goal was to look at and discuss the theory, research methodologies, and practice of European and global territorial autonomy. Documenting some of the knowledge and the new ideas from this workshop allows us to share results at an early, and even experimental, stage of a still loose worldwide network of scholars. The network, and this symposium, include researchers from the fields of politics, comparative politics, international relations, and of constitutional, public law, and international law, all working within different theoretical and methodological traditions.
TypReflective interdisciplinary contributions on territorial autonomy across time and space
FörlagInternational Association of Constitutional Law IACL-AIDC
StatusPublicerad - 2023
MoE-publikationstypO2 Other


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