Alholmens kraft: Optimised multifuel CHP with high performance and low emissions at Pietarsaari pulp and paper mills

Pasi Vainikka*, Satu Helynen, Kari Hillebrand, Stig Nickull, Marko Nylund, Juha Roppo, Patrik Yrjas

*Korresponderande författare för detta arbete

Forskningsoutput: KonferensbidragArbetsdokumentPeer review

2 Citeringar (Scopus)


Alholmens Kraft's power plant represents the best-practise biomass/fossil fuel co-fired power plant concept with extremely diverse fuel range - suitable to be replicated almost anywhere in Europe. By solving operational problems and reducing fuel originated risks in combustion the economics of biomass co-fired power plants can be further improved. Valuable information has been obtained about fuel storing and crushing systems, dust concentrations at fuel receiving station and the applicability of automatic fuel sampling for fuel quality monitoring. With the aid of the data acquired from the pilot- and full-scale combustion experiments, interesting causalities between chemical composition of fuels and the risk for formation of chlorine-bearing deposit formation, including the implications from the use of sorbents, have been found. Special attention has been paid on emission levels (NOx formation and SO 2 autoreduction) in co-firing and on corrosion propensity of fuels.

Antal sidor10
StatusPublicerad - 2004
MoE-publikationstypO2 Other
EvenemangProceedings - PulPaper 2004 Conferences, Energy and Carbon Management - Helsinki, Finland
Varaktighet: 1 juni 20043 juni 2004


KonferensProceedings - PulPaper 2004 Conferences, Energy and Carbon Management


  • Biomass, combustion, CFB


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