Advancing RDM Careers: A Framework for Expert Education in Finland

Roadmap for professional qualification of data management experts working group

Forskningsoutput: Bok/tidskrift/rapportBeställd rapportProfessionell


In the fast-paced digital era, the demand for research data management (RDM) experts has increased across various sectors in Finland. However, a gap exists in professional training for individuals aspiring to become RDM experts. Traditionally self-taught RDM experts train newcomers while fulfilling their primary roles in research organisations.
This report by the Professionalisation of RDM Experts Working Group addresses the lack of formal education path by proposing a framework for a specialised training program in Finland. The proposed training program, consisting of a modular curriculum, aims to provide systematic, high-quality education catering to the needs of various sectors, including research organisations, public administration, and companies.
The report describes the collaborative efforts of the working group, including meetings, workshops, and interactions with relevant stakeholders. The work began with an environmental scan of current Data Steward education, after which the group split into three subgroups: Subgroup 1 developed promotional material for building awareness, Subgroup 2 outlined the main contents of the training, and Subgroup 3 focused on finding an organiser and securing funding.
The report concludes with plans for the implementation, ongoing discussions on funding models, and the selection of Tampere University’s Continuing Education as the partner to plan and organise the training. The importance of a continuous dialogue with stakeholders and international collaboration is emphasised, following the model set by the University of Vienna's Data Steward training.
In summary, the Professionalisation of RDM Experts Working Group's final report outlines a comprehensive plan to address the growing demand for RDM expertise in Finland through the development of a specialised training program, aligning with national and international standards and principles.
UppdragsgivareThe National Open Science and Research Coordination (AVOTT)
Antal sidor19
StatusPublicerad - 13 mars 2024
MoE-publikationstypD4 Publicerad utvecklings- eller forskningsrapport eller studie


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