Hacking the 6th wave

  • Granfors, Ulla (Ansvarig forskare)



The project facilitates high school students in gaining new skills, and gathering new ideas to create innovative solutions in collaboration with companies and universities, and making use of new technology. As a result the youth will learn to produce new solutions instead of consuming the existing world.

Students learn important skills for moving from upper secondary school to higher education and on to work-life. The universities and companies play a significant role in this process. The collaboration provides an opportunity for the companies to experiment and develop their operations towards a more sustainable direction. Companies can set their own challenges to be solved together with creative and diverse teams, which allows the companies to impact the development of the future school, where students learn and develop skills needed in work-life.

The role of the School of Business and Economics at ÅAU is to collect and analyse data on the collaboration and innovation processes. 
Kort titelHacking the 6th wave
AkronymHacking the 6th wave
Gällande start-/slutdatum28/06/1730/06/19


  • Åbo Akademi (huvudsaklig)
  • Tampereen yliopiston normaalikoulu
  • Lauttakylän lukio
  • Salon lukio
  • Helsingin yliopiston Viikin Normaalikoulu
  • Vasa övningsskola
  • Åbo universitet