Aktiviteter per år
- 17 resultat
Dancing cameras: Researchers moving with chest-mounted action cameras in movement-based teaching practices with children
Jusslin, S. (Talare)
8 jan. 2025Aktivitet: Tal eller presentation › Konferenspresentation
Embodied and arts-integrated approaches to languages and literacies education: Student teachers’ diffractions of opportunities-and-challenges
Jusslin, S. (Talare), Korpinen, K. (Medverkande), Hannuksela, R. (Medverkande) & Svendler Nielsen, C. (Medverkande)
28 aug. 2024Aktivitet: Tal eller presentation › Konferenspresentation
Thinking and doing literacies and languages otherwise: Texts, bodies, and arts in language education
Jusslin, S. (Huvudtalare)
22 maj 2024Aktivitet: Tal eller presentation › Konferenspresentation
Embodied and arts-integrated languages and literacies education in teacher education
Jusslin, S. (Huvudtalare)
14 maj 2024Aktivitet: Tal eller presentation › Konferenspresentation
Space, bodies, and stuff aspartners in thinking and writing
Anttila, E. (Talare), Jusslin, S. (Talare), Hannuksela, R. (Medverkande) & Korpinen, K. (Talare)
12 jan. 2024Aktivitet: Tal eller presentation › Konferenspresentation
Thematic workshop: Embodiment and the arts in language learning
Jusslin, S. (Talare), Anttila, E. (Talare), Siljamäki, M. (Talare), Korpinen, K. (Talare), Kaarla, L. (Medverkande) & Lilja, N. (Medverkande)
10 nov. 2023Aktivitet: Tal eller presentation › Konferenspresentation
Entanglements of languaging and dancing: Exploring spoken word choreographies in upper secondary school
Jusslin, S. (Talare), Kaarla, L. (Medverkande), Korpinen, K. (Talare) & Lilja, N. (Medverkande)
10 nov. 2023Aktivitet: Tal eller presentation › Konferenspresentation
Entanglements of Swedish Language Learning and Dance through Spoken Word Choreographies in Upper Secondary School
Jusslin, S. (Talare), Korpinen, K. (Talare) & Lilja, N. (Talare)
20 juli 2023Aktivitet: Tal eller presentation › Konferenspresentation
Dance and embodied learning in early literacy education
Lindqvist, A. (Talare) & Jusslin, S. (Talare)
8 juni 2023Aktivitet: Tal eller presentation › Konferenspresentation
Empowering student teachers in class teacher education to implement arts-integrated language pedagogies
Jusslin, S. (Talare), Svendler Nielsen, C. (Talare), Korpinen, K. (Talare) & Hannuksela, R. (Talare)
16 maj 2023Aktivitet: Tal eller presentation › Konferenspresentation
Language learning through spoken word choreographies in upper secondary school: Exploring entanglements between languaging and dancing
Jusslin, S. (Talare)
16 mars 2023Aktivitet: Tal eller presentation › Konferenspresentation
Embodied learning in language learning and teaching practices: A systematic literature review
Jusslin, S. (Talare)
15 juni 2022Aktivitet: Tal eller presentation › Konferenspresentation
Spoken Word Choreographies Integrating Dance and Swedish Language Learning in Upper Secondary School
Jusslin, S. (Talare), Korpinen, K. (Talare) & Lilja, N. (Talare)
24 maj 2022Aktivitet: Tal eller presentation › Konferenspresentation
Dans som inspiration i skrivundervisningen: En icke-representationell förståelse av inspiration
Jusslin, S. (Talare)
25 nov. 2021Aktivitet: Tal eller presentation › Konferenspresentation
Kehollisuus ja taide kielenoppimisessa
Korpinen, K. (Talare), Lilja, N. (Talare) & Jusslin, S. (Medverkande)
13 nov. 2021Aktivitet: Tal eller presentation › Konferenspresentation
A systematic literature review of embodied language learning with(out) the arts
Jusslin, S. (Talare)
4 nov. 2021Aktivitet: Tal eller presentation › Konferenspresentation
Embodied Language Learning through Arts: Intertwinings of Embodiment, Artistic Activity and Language
Anttila, E. (Talare), Lilja, N. (Talare), Jusslin, S. (Talare), Korpinen, K. (Talare) & Kaarla, L. (Talare)
22 apr. 2021 → 23 apr. 2021Aktivitet: Tal eller presentation › Konferenspresentation