The overall objectives of this project is to develop further the academic cooperation and interaction between the three participating universities, in order to build solid knowledge on the design and analysis of High-Assured Autonomous Systems. The project is financially suported by the Nordplus programme.
The Nordplus Higher Education network Development of High-Assured Autonomous Systems is composed of three universities: Tallinn University of Technology (TUT), Technical University of Denmark (DTU) and Åbo Akademi University (AAU). In 2018 and 2019, The Nordplus Higher Education network Development of High-Assured Autonomous Systems is organizing two summer courses on the development and quality assurance of autonomous systems. The courses are intended for master level students in computer science and engineering and closely related fields.
Course 1: Development of Autonomous Systems (3 ECTS) - June 18-22 2018, Tallinn, Estonia (passed)
Course 2: Quality Assurance of Autonomous Systems (3 ECTS) - August 20-24, 2018, Turku, Finland (passed)
Course 3: Model-based Development of High-Assured Autonomous Systems (3 ECTS) - August 12-16, 2019, Turku,
The Nordplus Higher Education network Development of High-Assured Autonomous Systems is composed of three universities: Tallinn University of Technology (TUT), Technical University of Denmark (DTU) and Åbo Akademi University (AAU). In 2018 and 2019, The Nordplus Higher Education network Development of High-Assured Autonomous Systems is organizing two summer courses on the development and quality assurance of autonomous systems. The courses are intended for master level students in computer science and engineering and closely related fields.
Course 1: Development of Autonomous Systems (3 ECTS) - June 18-22 2018, Tallinn, Estonia (passed)
Course 2: Quality Assurance of Autonomous Systems (3 ECTS) - August 20-24, 2018, Turku, Finland (passed)
Course 3: Model-based Development of High-Assured Autonomous Systems (3 ECTS) - August 12-16, 2019, Turku,
Akronym | AutoSys |
Status | Slutfört |
Gällande start-/slutdatum | 15/06/15 → 31/10/19 |
- Åbo Akademi (huvudsaklig)
- Tallinn University of Technology
- Technical University of Denmark