Projekt per år
Personlig profil
I defended my PhD at Uppsala University/Södertörn University 2017. My thesis concerns literature, language and experience in the philosophy of Maurice Merleau-Ponty. In particular, I examine Merleau-Ponty’s reading of Marcel Proust, Paul Valéry and Stendhal in his unpublished course notes from Collège de France 1953-1954. I have transcribed, edited and annotated the course Sur le problème de la parole together with Franck Robert and Emmanuel de Saint Aubert (published at MetisPresses 2020).
2019-2020, I worked on a post-doctoral research project funded by Östersjöstiftelsen, on memoirs from the Gulag Archipelago written by western survivors. In particular, the project focuses on the question of truth with regard to literature and subjective experiences. Furthermore, it explores the interrelation between experience, literary expression and reality in the case of Gulag memoirs.
From 2022, I am working on the research project, Muted Memories and Silenced Stories: Memoirs by Women of the Gulag Archipelago, funded by the KONE foundation. The project examines questions of representation, truth and experience in witness literature written by women from the Gulag-Archipelago.
- 1 Liknande profiler
- 1 Aktiv
Muted Memories and Silenced Stories: Memoirs by Women of the Gulag Archipelago
Andén, L. (Ansvarig forskare)
01/01/22 → …
Projekt: Forskning
Between Memory and History: Retracing Historical Knowledge Through a Phenomenology of Afterlife
Andén, L., 2024, Jan Patočka and the Phenomenology of Life After Death. Strandberg, G. & Strandberg, H. (red.). Cham: Springer, s. 139-152 (Contributions To Phenomenology; vol. 128).Forskningsoutput: Kapitel i bok/konferenshandling › Kapitel › Vetenskaplig › Peer review
Mer verklig än verkligheten: Fenomenologi och poetik hos Merleau-Ponty, Proust och Stendhal
Andén, L., 2024, Stockholm: Appell förlag. 248 s.Forskningsoutput: Bok/tidskrift/rapport › Bok › Vetenskaplig
”Berätta för väst”: Vittneslitteratur från Gulagarkipelagen 1946–1953
Andén, L., 2024, I: Scandia. 90, 1, s. 64-84 21 s.Forskningsoutput: Tidskriftsbidrag › Artikel › Vetenskaplig › Peer review
Med livet som litteraturens laboratorium: Merleau-Ponty och Proust
Andén, L., 2023, I: Site Zones.Forskningsoutput: Tidskriftsbidrag › Artikel › Professionell
Historisk sanning och litterär representation i vittneslitteratur från Gulagarkipelagen
Andén, L., 2022, I: Ikaros tidskrift om människan och vetenskapen. 4, s. 26-29Forskningsoutput: Tidskriftsbidrag › Artikel › Allmänheten
Öppen tillgång
Arkiv, minnesplatser och minneslagar. När det historiska minnet ställs under statlig kontroll
Andén, L. (Talare)
18 nov. 2023Aktivitet: Tal eller presentation › Publikt eller inbjudet tal
Siberia as a ”Cemetary of Nations”: Memoirs Written by ethnical Minorities in Soviet Deportation.
Andén, L. (Talare)
27 sep. 2023Aktivitet: Tal eller presentation › Konferenspresentation
Tell the West: Witness Literature from the Gulag Archipelago 1925-2012
Andén, L. (Talare)
12 juni 2023Aktivitet: Tal eller presentation › Konferenspresentation
Forgotten Testimonies: Swedish and Finnish-Swedish Memoirs from the Gulag Archipelago
Andén, L. (Talare)
11 maj 2023Aktivitet: Tal eller presentation › Konferenspresentation
Narration and Self-Representation in Women’s Testimonial Literature from the Gulag Archipelago
Andén, L. (Talare)
4 maj 2023Aktivitet: Tal eller presentation › Konferenspresentation